French Senate Passes Protested Pension Reform Bill


PARIS, March 12 – The French Senate has approved a pension reform bill. Hours after people marched across the country in protest. Although fewer people came out than expected.

French senators voted 195 to 112 on Saturday night local time in favor of a bill to reform the pension system. Prime Minister Elizabeth Bond said after the Senate voted that An important step has passed. She believes the government has enough of a majority in the House of Representatives to pass the bill into law. After this, the committee will finalize a final draft for submission to both houses for a final vote. However, if the government is unable to gather a majority before voting The Prime Minister may use Section 49/3 to push the bill into law without a resolution. This is a constitutional tool that has sparked controversy and has rarely been used in the past.

President Emmanuel Macron made pension reforms a key focus of his 2022 election campaign, for example raising the retirement age from 62 to 64 and adding years of contributions to a full pension. Macron’s government has always emphasized that This needs to be done to prevent the pension system from going into deficit by the end of the year. 2030.


Source: Thai News Agency