PEA warns! Watch out for summer storms We have some great advice. For safety in the dry season There may be a summer storm.
Before the summer storm
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Do not build fires or burn grass along electrical lines
Make sure buildings are strong
Trim weak branches and cut down trees that are at risk of falling.
During a summer storm
Close the doors and windows of the building completely. Do not stay in an area that is at risk of breaking.
If you are outdoors. Do not shelter from storms under large trees, billboards, and electrical poles.
Stay away from metal or electrically conductive objects.
Do not use all types of communication devices and electronic devices
. Do not wear conductive jewelry.
After the summer storm
When an electrical short circuit occurs, do not approach it because you may be dangerous from the electricity.
If you see damaged electrical distribution systems such as fallen poles, broken electrical lines, branches, trees falling on electrical lines, do not approac
h them. Please notify the Provincial Electricity Authority in your area or call 1129 PEA Contact Center 24 hours a day.
Source: Thai News Agency