SET and Thai GE Network jointly creates social entrepreneurs via universities nationwide for the first time


BANGKOK, The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), together with

Thai General Education Network, has encouraged universities across the country

to embrace “Social Entrepreneurship” subject as a general education course

starting from the academic year 2023 onwards, under a specially designed project

called Social Enterprise (SE) @General Education (GE) to groom social

entrepreneurs at university level so as to lay the entrepreneurship foundation

early, to cultivate the understanding of sustainability values, while creating

“change” leaders in the future.


SET President Pakorn Peetathawatchai said that SET is committed to developing

the capital market to benefit all sectors under the vision “To Make the Capital

Market ‘Work’ for Everyone” in the social development and support perspectives.

SET has created opportunities for all groups of Thai people to access financial

learning resources, simultaneously with the development of knowledge and

entrepreneurial potential, especially small-sized entrepreneurs like startups,

SMEs, as well as social enterprises (SEs). This endeavor is in line with the

United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4): Quality Education,

aiming to drive quality education.


SET in collaboration with the Thai GE Network under the Ministry of Higher

Education, Science, Research and Innovation, professionals and social sector

representatives, have jointly drafted the subject “Social Entrepreneurs” to be

included as general education course at the higher education level for use by

universities nationwide. The key objectives of this first-ever initiative are to

extend the social entrepreneurship knowledge to the new generation in the

learning system, ignite the sustainability development concept, cultivate the

attitude of social responsibility as the foundation of doing any business, while

building the potential to be future change leaders.


Kasetsart University President and Chairman of Thai General Education Network

Chongrak Watchrinrat said that the ‘Social Entrepreneurship’ subject is another

important subject for competence development of the new generation in the 21st

century, which corresponds to the general education requirement, aiming to

promote knowledge, skills, attitudes and ethics. The 2-credit course with the

length of 15 weeks focuses on active learning style. The main topics are

Introduction to Sustainability, Introduction to SE, SE model design for social

problem solving, a preliminary social impact assessment, and a preliminary

Business Model Canvas design. The Social Entrepreneurship course will be used as

a prototype course in general education for universities nationwide, to be

applied or adapted to the identity of each university in the next academic year.


Regarding this initiative collaboration, SET has prepared online manuals and

teaching materials for both public and private universities to apply and

transfer knowledge, including the training focusing on hands-on teaching, which

help the students think and present using team-based learning approach to

lecturers. SET will hold the Train the Trainer Project for the first time this

November. The collaboration also includes the onsite sessions to promote

curriculum throughout next year.


SET, together with alliances, has recently launched a collaborative project to

build social entrepreneurs among university students or the so-called Social

Enterprise (SE) @General Education (GE), at a special event consisting of the

keynote speech and seminar on “Thailand: Reform of higher education, Move

forward continuously”, participated by the government, private sector, social

sector, and education sector to exchange views on the synergy to make changes

for the better via the support of essential skills in the higher education

system leading towards the creation of graduates and the development of human

resources of the country. The event was organized on October 3, 2022. Interested

universities please find details via


Source: The Stock Exchange of Thailand