Summer storm destroys Li Ke Dang factory in Lop Buri province


A summer storm hit the Likay Rong, Tha Wung District, Lopburi Province, which was preparing to perform, damaged.

last night Summer storms hit many districts of Lopburi province. Including at Wat Ramparam or Wat Ban Kluay, Tha Wung Subdistrict, Tha Wung District, Lop Buri Province which has a performance of the Likae Chartrak Show Group who came to set up the factory as a steel frame full of stage since the morning In the evening, Likay people gradually come dressed up as heroes, villains, clowns, heroines, villains, and almost 50 people who come to play the Pi Phat, including nearly 50 people, preparing to perform on a beautifully decorated stage.

In addition, there are people in the vicinity of the aforementioned temples and Mae Yok who follow the beautiful Li-ke protagonist named Showle. anxiously waiting to hand over the steering wheel Including those who love Likay, waiting to see the show in front of the stage. when it was near the time of the outing The bagpipes begin to play. There was a thunderstorm and a violent storm. Those who waited to watch Mae Yok fled to a safe place. The wind caused the scene to be blown away and damaged. Bagpipes, drums, xylophones were piled together. The stage began to crumble flat under the force of the wind. power outage The Li Ke group who were dressed backstage ran away in different directions.

After the rainstorm and wind subsided, everyone came to look at the stage and found that it was all damaged. Unable to continue acting, the protagonist and the heroine all help each other collect as much as they can to repair. As for the damages, this time is under investigation. But the owner of the faculty still sympathizes with paying for every Likay. even if not performing

However, the representatives of the Li Ke team came out to ask the various hosts. sympathize with the hardships of Likay Thai As soon as he opened his eyes and opened his mouth, he encountered another storm. But because of the summer storm that has never been merciful, anyone asked for sympathy from Mae Yok too.

Source: Thai News Agency