Get ready to reduce the price of oil as a New Year’s gift.


Minister of Energy Stating that it will reduce the price of gasoline in time for the end of the year as a New Year’s gift. Focus on vulnerable groups Prepare to discuss with the Customs Department After finding no information on the cost of imported oil prices Why is there no supervisory committee?

Mr. Peeraphan Saleerathaviphak, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Energy Mentioning that today’s Cabinet meeting (Sept. 18) will discuss measures to reduce the price of gasoline or not, they will discuss the price of gasoline to help solve the problem. We will try to reduce it in time as a New Year’s gift to the people. But it will focus on vulnerable groups first. We will urgently talk with the Department of Energy Business. Tomorrow (Sept. 19) will go to discuss with the Customs Department.

“It’s unbelievable that there is no information on how much oil costs. I didn’t see that it would be difficult so I went and asked. You can inquire at the Customs Department. Who brought what and how much? How much does it cost? How much is the tax? Just now you know the cost of oil taxes,” said the Energy Minister.

Mr. Peeraphan said that from talking with relevant agencies It was found that there were different problems with gas and electricity. Electricity has various committees overseeing it. But oil is not regulated. In addition, government agencies There is no authority to go in and check on costs. Even in the big picture, it was found that costs were increasing. But I still don’t know what the increased costs are. And is it true or not? This direct solution must be found in accordance with the authority of government agencies to continue to supervise.

“Oil is a special commodity. Ordinary consumer type It is a product related to people’s livelihood. and about the costs of various products Including a matter of stability Therefore oil is a special commodity. It must be carefully and carefully taken care of. and must have more accurate information than this Confirmed reduction in gasoline prices must happen within this year. We will try to make the structure more accurate,” Mr. Peeraphan said.

Source: Thai News Agency